Sunday, June 16, 2013


I am not a writer. I just have a story.

 If you are feeling empty, lonely, unfulfilled, or like there must be something more, I am here to tell you there is. We, and by we I mean as individuals and human beings, are a part of something so much bigger than we could ever imagine. Every fictional story of adventure, of heroes and of good and evil cannot even compare to the story that we are a part of. The problem is we are deceived beyond belief. We have been deceived into believing our lives are nothing more than a start to finish of meaningless tasks and checklists to complete before we die. Or that our lives couldn’t possibly mean something unless we ourselves make it something. This story is even for those who believe but who have lost sight of the reality. If you have even the smallest amount of curiosity or want to believe that maybe your life has true meaning, then be open to what I am about to tell you...

I will tell you as to why I know this shortly, but first just imagine for a second that your life has a destiny or a purpose. Your life is in a constant battle of good and evil. There are beings that exist that most of us know nothing about. Your life is about love and how love will always conquer all. As a teen, I got lost in stories like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars and asked myself, "Why can't our lives be that epic?" But it IS that epic! Our story is profound! And YOU as an individual have a part! It's all about the choice of what part you choose to play in this glorious story.

 I first got a taste of this story when I was ten. I would like to say that is when my part in this story started. Unbeknown to me, my parents were about to be divorced. This would lead to alcohol and drug abuse, years of pain and fear for loved ones lives. Before this though, at ten years old I wanted to know if God was real.

I had written a letter to Santa Clause once, without telling my parents, asking if he was real and if he was really able to see all the good and bad things I did. He never responded to my letter. I decided one night that I would do the same for God. I wanted to know if someone out there was looking after me, loving me or something out there to hope for. Was there really something bigger? The note read:

 Dear God,


Are you real? Do you love me? If so, please write back.




I put the note at the end of my bed with a pencil.

 The next morning I woke up for school and immediately checked the note. There was nothing there… I even checked to see if the paper or pencil had been moved at all, and I remember thinking, "Great, God is just like Santa, he's not real." So I continued to get ready for school and then hopped in my Dad's truck. I realized I forgot my book-bag and thought maybe I left it in my room. So I went back inside and ran to my room only to find that my book-bag wasn't there. As I turned to leave my room, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and turned to look and there was someone in all white standing over my note at the end of my bed… it was reading my letter.

Now let me stop to tell you that this is the most memorable moment of my life. I can remember every detail of that room and that moment. It was sunny, the quilt on my bed was pink and white, the bed was made, and my note was on a yellow piece of paper with an old fashioned lead two pencil next to it. The book-bag I had been looking for was green with my purple initials stitched on the front. I have no doubt in my mind that this happened to me. Though, there are also other forces that tried to ruin that memory for me, and I will go into that later...

 I gasped, and as I did, the being looked up at me and in that moment I got my answer... "Yes, God is real, He loves you and everything is going to be all right." It looked at me for another 10-12 seconds and slowly backed into my wall and disappeared...


This is just the start to my story and my experiences. So for just a moment consider the idea that you are a part of something greater. I will continue to write and share my stories... and hope that you really begin to question your part in this life.


  1. Thank you; very true. It is a hard thing to do to be thankful in times of doubt But! Thank God He is patient :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Coree, I met you today at the JBMDL pre-view in the AWACS. I asked if you minded photos, and you posed with a smile and said, "By all means..." and we had a few words about ATC vs tactical. I was excited to see the control room, but you showed up on the radar, to be honest! So I found you here and I am so excited to see your testimony for God. I could say so much, but not better than Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." You are beautiful - on the inside too - and we are blessed to have you serving us and serving Him.

  4. Thank you so much. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to talk with you! Even more so to hear you are a fellow believer and found my story exciting and true! God bless and thank you so much for the kind words! Good luck and may God guide you in all your ways! :D

  5. You should never discount such occurrences. Aslan only shows each person their own path, never the path of others. I happened to never experience such an encounter but given the entire story from Creation till now, it is certainly in the realm of *probabilities* that God would work today in ways He's worked in time past. So glad you're paying attention and not waving it off with indifference...
